Friday, March 18, 2011

Roof's On

Well we've been away for a week and have come back to plenty of progress. The roof tiles were put on at the start of this week and the house is really starting to take shape.
Met the new SS onsite yesterday and went through our concerns in detail, really hope he honours his committments as I was feeling pretty aggro over the past few days about stuff ups and omissions.
As a result have asked for a full review of our file, PCV's electrical and Colour selections to be completed.
Brick work is due to commence next week as are electrical rough in's and the Argus things we have ordered.
House should be locked up at the end of next week

Friday, March 4, 2011

Frames Underway

The Framers are hard at work, and if it wasn't for some missing items we would probably have the roof trusses on. :)
Going away for a holiday next week so Big Kev from New Home Inspections can do our first Independent Inspection.

Last Photo shows the view from the Lounge across the kitchen and Dining room out to the Alfresco area.
Starting to look good

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

What's next

Well it was a suprise to see timber on site, and an even better? surprise was awaiting when I got home. My Base stage payment was in the mailbox. It seems that there is one thing that PD can do well and that is send out the invoice. It was dated 25/2 so it looks like the tradies were still working when the invoice for completion was sent. Oh well that's progress

Framing has arrived

Another milestone has passed, with the slab completed.
Went by after work and found timber for the frame too